Thursday, December 6, 2007

GTA 4: Imperfect Strangers

I just saw the new Grand Theft Auto IV Trailer, "Move Up, Ladies." It looks like fun, but we still don't know much about the gameplay. I think San Andreas really did everything imaginable with the formula, but we'll see.

I can't help but think there is something very familiar about the premise of this game. Let's see, an Eastern European man comes to the U.S. and moves in with his cousin to seek the American Dream.

At one point in the trailer, he even says, "Don't be ridiculous." So familiar... what does this game remind me of? Hmm....

EDIT: Oh yeah, and if they work in the "Dance of Joy" into this game somewhere then it would easily be the best video game of all time.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Dapper Swindler has made his console choice!

And the winner is.... the Xbox 360! How did a staunch Nintendo supporter turn his back on the Wii?

It was a hard decision to betray Nintendo, but the Wii's library is just awful. There are only two games worth playing on the system: Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime (sorry, I bought Twilight Princess on the Gamecube, just as god intended). I might also be interested in Super Paper Mario. Also, I nearly completed SMG while playing it at a friend's house. I challenge anyone to go to and go to reviews. Then filter your search based on scores of 9 or even 8. How many original Wii titles show up that aren't virtual console games? I know what some of you are thinking, "b-b-b-but there WILL be more games later!" Look, only a sucker buys a console based on percieved future potential. If you want to buy a console based off hype and promises, then you should buy a PS3.

But with Smash Bros Brawl two months away, this was a very difficult decision. That game alone is almost enough to sell the console. Honestly, I'll probably get a Wii someday - just not now.

And the PS3 isn't all bad. I know I just said only suckers buy consoles based off future potential. But Metal Gear may actually be in stores in the next year - that looks promising. Someday, years from now, we - or perhaps our descendents - will be able to play FFXIII. And even further down the line Silent Hill 5. Also, it may be years and years from now, but eventually, someday SCEA, the makers of Shadow of Colossus and Ico, will release a new game. So maybe a PS3 will be worth getting in the year 2525, if mankind is still aliiiiiiiive.

Without sarcasm, what I mean is that I can see all three consoles being neck and neck and neck in three or four years. So then what? I don't want to be one of those douchebags that has three consoles (also the gap between the DS and the PSP is narrowing, must we get both handhelds as well?!). Having so many consoles is going to make your living look like the bridge of the Enterprise.

Let me talk just a little bit about 360 so people don't mistake me for a big Microsoft fanboy. Part of the reason is that I never even owned an Xbox, the PS2 and GC had more than enough for me. So now I can snag those last gen titles like KOTOR and Ninja Gaiden for just a few bucks. Also, since 360 has been out the longest, I can pick up its early hits lie Dead Rising and Oblivion for much less than new titles. Still, the 360 doesn't really have any "must have" titles for me, but a lot of games that are worth playing, such as:

The Orange Box
Halo 3
Gears of War
Mass Effect
Guitar Hero 1, 2, 3
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Puzzle Quest
Castlevania SOTN
Viva Pinata
Assassin's Creed
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Eternal Sonata
Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions
Kameo: Elements of Power
Blue Dragon
Call of Duty 4
Dead Rising
Enchanted Arms
Beautiful Katamari

Hmm, but I don't care about any of those games half as much as I care about SSBB. But SSBB is just one game. Well, if anyone wants to try to talk me out of this, there's still time.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Super Smash Bros Brawl - Delayed

I've been thinking about the delay of Super Smash Bros Brawl and the evidence seems to be that it was largely, if not entirely, due to efforts to create/improve the online features. Unlike many video game delays which I believe are often artifially planned or staged to maximize marketing impact, the delay of Smash Bros Braw is economically disadvantageous. Releasing the game after the holidays just makes no marketing sense no matter how you slice it - so I am inclined to believe that the delay was truly caused by efforts to implement those online additions.

But here's a thought. If Nintendo was really smart (ie greedy and underhanded) they should have axed all the online features and released the game on December 3 as promised. People would be disappointed with the subtraction, but they would have still bought the game. Then, Nintendo could continue to smooth out the online features, secretly of course, and then suprisingly rerelease the game later in the year with those features and call it some bullshit like Super Smash Bros Braw: Championship Edition. It would be the same game but now with online features. Hell, they could even add one more new character to sucker in people who can't justify rebuying the game simply for online features alone.

This way, Nintendo could have both took advantage of the preholiday market AND sold the same game a second time to the same people. I'm sure people would complain and you, reading this, naturally hate the idea. But can you honestly say you would not do precisely what I have outlined and end up buying both games (remember, you didn't know the second version was in the works when the first edition would be released)?